It’s a beautiful day as we bound down I-71 south towards HOME!!!  This year’s travel schedule has kept us on the road longer than years before, but we woudn’ t trade the opportunities God gave us for anything!  From SC to OH, we have benefited from fellowship with dear friends, have enjoyed making new friends, have experienced spiritual growth in our own lives and seen it taking shape in the lives of believers around the country.  God is at work!

This morning, we left First Baptist Church of Milford, OH, home of Bearing Precious Seed and Master’s Club ministries.  We are beyond grateful for our friendship with Pastor and Mrs. Bill Duttry and the growing friendships we’ve made with the people there.  We arrived to the church’s gorgeous property on Tuesday evening and enjoyed a trip to the Creation Museum, getting some much needed work accomplished, and our boys took advantage of the spacious play area and fishing in the church’s well-stocked pond.  It was a little boy’s paradise!  Our 3-year-old Samuel even learned to ride his bicycle (no training wheels) this week.  Churches around the country hold many special memories for us regarding our boy’s growth and development, because we park our RV home on the property for the week of meetings.  FBC Milford will now be remembered, among other things, as the place where Samuel learned to ride his bike! 🙂

We had a fantastic Sunday with Pastor Duttry and his people!  Tim preached to the youth group for Sunday School regarding the importance of their deciding NOW to live by faith from Colossians 2:6-10 and to the congregation from Psalm 46 in the evening service.  Praise the Lord for HIS working in hearts and meeting needs during the preaching. Our time together ended with the observance of the Lord’s Supper.  What a blessed time it was!

In the next few weeks, we would greatly appreciate your prayers as we prepare to make a new family recording, settle back into our house, and begin music prep for summer camp.  Tim and I are squeezing in a 3-day getaway to St. Simon’s Island, GA, for our 15th wedding anniversary as well.  It’s exciting times, for sure!

May the Lord richly bless you and use you in your Jerusalem today!